Friday, September 16, 2011

West of the Warlock –Published!

West of the Warlock was officially released earlier today, so you can now purchase the complete Fantasy Western with extras!  There is a very affordable Kindle version already out there, and you can always purchase traditional, print copies from Hall Brothers Entertainment.

Work continues on the sequel, Mystic Selwood (which is due for a title change).  Even though several thousand words of the story are currently trapped on my disabled main computer, I have pressed on with the story, writing subsequent parts while waiting for the electrician (or someone like him)—odds are, I’m the only person under 40 who’ll get that reference.

So, take a minute and buy a copy of West of the Warlock.  The funds will go to a good cause (the “Save Martin’s Computer Fund,” to be precise).  Don’t be too stingy.  The Kindle Price is hardly half a gallon of gas, and the print edition costs less than your average takeout dinner.  I need to eat, too.  Please, buy it now!

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